Young Rowers 16+
The PCRC held an EGM on Friday 27th where we agreed to lower the age limit for club members from 18 to 16.
This will start with Banff Acadamy pupils and if successful will be open to all young rowers aged 16+.
Wendy, Susan & Sandra did a lot of work looking in to this in conjunction with Pete Danks.
Pete Danks is a club member who is also PORT's Youth Project Leader (Portsoy Organisation for Restoration and Training) and works with Banff Academy pupils who are currently building a St Ayles Skiff.
Together they have produced a ‘Child Protection Statement’ which has been adapted from PORTs, along with a list of ‘Rowing Regulations’ (many of which are already in the clubs rules, and will be amalgamated together for formal adaption at the next AGM) and a ‘Parent Consent Form’ to be completed and signed by a parent / guardian before the young person can be allowed to row.
There are several members of the club who alraedy hold PVG certificates through other activities.
Lorna was apointed as our Child Protection Officer.
As with any novice rowers only two young rowers will be able to go out at any one time with two experienced rowers and a cox. Plus we would want the safety boat out with them for at least their first row.